Calcivet Gel
Why choose Calcivet gel?
It is 100% non-irritating formula for animals. Maintains calcium balance.
- Pure Ionic Calcium Gel.
- One tube 43.5 Grm of Ionic calcium.
- 32 GrmCa. serum level in just 2 Hrs.
- Rest 11.5 GrmCa.
- sustained release in 4Hrs.
- Irritation Free swaloing.
- 300 Grm drenching Tube.
- 100% Irritation Formula .
- Faster "Ca" Serum Level "mg.
Calcivet Gel will be usefull in:
- Milk Fever Cases.
- Ca. Drop Down Cases.
- After Calving & before Calving.
- To increase Milk Yield.
- Fastor Calcium Serum level.
Oral Administration single bottle at a time
Repeat after 6 Hrs.
Faster "Ca"Serum level In Dairy Animal use one bottle after every 15 days.